Who we are:
Broadfording Church is made up of people who recognize we don’t have it all together, but that Jesus does. We are a group of people who understand our brokenness and realize that in the gospel, Jesus reached into our brokenness to restore the relationship between us and God, this relationship we were created for. Together, we are pursuing this God who loves us. And we invite you to join us on this journey. It’s okay to ask the difficult questions. It’s okay to wrestle with doubts. It’s okay to struggle with fears. Broadfording Church is a safe place to have these conversations. We’re strongly committed to God. We value His Word because in it God reveals Himself to us. We’re learning, as much as we struggle with it in our sinfulness, that life doesn’t revolve around me. Rather, we have a place in God’s story and He has created us as unique individuals with amazing gifts we can give back to Him. We’re on a mission to encourage each other to passionately seek an awesome God.
We care about one thing more than anything else, Jesus Christ. We’re a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that same hope, freedom, peace, joy, and contentment.
Where we come from:
You can read more about this in “Our History” on this website. Over the years, the church has gone through many transitions. At times along the way, the methods have changed, but the message of salvation through Jesus Christ has not. We remain committed to the Word and work of God in us as we surrender to Him.
Where we're headed:
We love people and are excited to help people find hope and healing in Jesus Christ. We are committed to partnering with other churches and ministries in our community that also promote the hope that is found only in Jesus Christ. We believe God is for our city and for our community, and as the church, we are for our city and for our community.
What this means for you:
Most importantly, you are always welcome at Broadfording Church. Wherever you are in your faith journey, there is a place for you here. And if you join us, you’ll be encouraged and challenged to take that next step in your journey of faith.
Beyond that, if you’re ready to plan your first visit, click here. If you want to learn more about our beliefs as a church, click here. Or if you would simply like to connect with our leadership team, click the button below.